Brighten Up Your Listing With Anglepoise 🛋

How you light your listing can impact your guests mood, it is scientifically proven!

Understanding how people emotionally and physically respond to lighting can assist the design process and improve a guest’s experience when they enter your space. 

A study by Ohio State University compared the psychological effects of lighting at night time by testing different colours of light and how they impacted mood.  

Here is how each coloured light performed: 

Blue light at night - resulted in worse mood-related effects. 

White light at night – resulted in worse mood-related effects. 

Red light at night – showed significantly less mood-related effects vs the blue and white lights. 

Good to bear in mind when designing your listings lighting set up! 

As well as the colour of the light itself, well-positioned lights encourage positive feelings, and lighting that adjusts at night allows for a more restful sleep for example.

Warm lights make the environment feel inviting and calmer, whereas cooler lights are stimulating and brighter. 

Cooler lights make us feel more alert, focused and can even increase productivity levels. If a guest needs to get work done and isn’t provided with the right lighting conditions, this is not ideal, even reading a good book can be challenging with the wrong lighting.

Placer know creating the right environment for your guests will improve their experience and hence the reviews and bookings you receive. 

Our latest campaign from Anglepoise lamps means selected hosts will be able to claim a beautiful free table lamp for their listing (subject to campaign criteria).

Head over to Placer and apply to brighten up your listing.


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