How To Place Your Local Campaign QR Code 📷


QR code placement is crucial to their performance and success with guests…

One of our most recent introductions at Placer is ‘local things to do’ QR codes that feature local entertainment options for guests during their stay. 

Our latest campaign is for GoApe, a national brand with close to 40 locations around the UK offering outdoor treetop adventure activities such as zip-lining and axe throwing!

These QR codes are significantly different from the previous ones we have provided to our Placer listings, therefore the thought process behind the placement of them requires a shift.

We know that placing the QR code in a contextually relevant environment is a key step. In this case, where would the guests be discussing ideas for things to do / making plans for their trip? Communal areas such as dining tables or a coffee table in the living room are some ideal spots in a property.

Place as many QR codes as you can! Maximize the number of scans to secure a long-lasting partnership with brands while improving the guest experience.

Uploading images of how and where these new QR codes have been placed as proof of placement is the final stage of a campaign. 

You will receive a reward for every photo uploaded between £4 - £1. If you place the QR code within the first week our estimated receiving date you will receive £4 and for every week that goes by after that you will receive £1 less until the minimum of £1. This encourages hosts to upload the photo sooner which is good for the clients.

To go one step further, post these on your social media accounts and tag the company and us!


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